Erinnerungskulturen und Geschichtspolitik im Hinblick auf transatlantischen Sklavenhandel und Sklaverei

  • Ulrike Schmieder
  • Michael Zeuske


This introduction explains the principal object of this volume of Comparativ to show when, where, how and by which media transatlantic slave trade and slavery have been remembered in former colonial states, plantation societies and in Germany until 2011, the International Year for People of African Descent, which focuses on the African diasporas as consequence of the slave trades. This article describes the historiography about this topic and social and political context of actual discussions on the national and international level which forms of commemoration are adequate to remember the victimization and the resistance of enslaved people, and also marks the silences and omissions on transatlantic slavery that persist until today.

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How to Cite

Schmieder, U., & Zeuske, M. (2012). Erinnerungskulturen und Geschichtspolitik im Hinblick auf transatlantischen Sklavenhandel und Sklaverei. Comparativ, 22(2), 7–32.