Peer Review Process
All research articles published in Comparativ undergo rigorous peer review. The peer review process is organized in three stages: Firstly, the submitted proposals for thematic issues are reviewed by the editorial board at the annual editorial meeting. In case of a positive evaluation by the editorial board, the prospective editors of a thematic issue receive a detailed written summary of the evaluation, including possible requirements for improvement and additions. Secondly, the prospective editor/s are under the responsibility of reviewing all submitted articles for the issue they are in charge of. Thirdly, the complete manuscript will be once again reviewed by the editorial board, especially in terms of the compliance with the possible requirements. That way both a thematic issue is evaluated as a whole and in all its individual contributions. Individual articles can be rejected at all of the three stages.
The review process is meant to secure the journals academic profile. Comparativ publishes innovative interdisciplinary perspectives in the field of global history and transregional studies. Thematic issues that offer decidedly comparative research are evaluated regarding the global nature of the comparisons, the global phenomenon or global problem address with the comparison. Individual contributions are reviewed in terms of high academic quality of the presented research and in terms of a comprehensive reflection of the existing research against which the novelty of the study has to be outlined. The proposals for special issue as well as the whole manuscript are evaluated in terms of the coherence of the overall argument and of direct contribution of the individual contributions to the overall aim.
This process is complemented by a double blind review of all individual texts submitted. In these cases external reviewers are invited to review the articles.