Robert Burns (Ed.): German Cultural Studies. An Introduction, New York 1995; Jill Frobes / Michael Kelly (Eds.): French Cultural Studies. An Introduction, New York 1995;

Helen Graham / Jo Labanyi (Eds.): Spanish Cultural Studies. An Introduction, New York 1995

  • David Pickus


German Cultural Studies. An Introduction, edited by Robert Burns, Oxford University Press, New York 1995, 375 S.

French Cultural Studies. An Introduction, edited by Jill Frobes and Michael Kelly, Oxford University Press, New York 1995, 332 S.

Spanish Cultural Studies. An Introduction, edited by Helen Graham and Jo Labanyi, Oxford University Press, New York 1995, 455 S.

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How to Cite

Pickus, D. (2018). Robert Burns (Ed.): German Cultural Studies. An Introduction, New York 1995; Jill Frobes / Michael Kelly (Eds.): French Cultural Studies. An Introduction, New York 1995;: Helen Graham / Jo Labanyi (Eds.): Spanish Cultural Studies. An Introduction, New York 1995. Comparativ, 8(1), 140–147. Retrieved from